We used all of our energies trying to save ourselves and others.
But we soon understood the force of nature is something quite different.
Sergio Viapiana, survivor
He whispered to me "I cannot swim". A few minutes later, he jumped off the tractor
into deep water to save a child from drowning. And he did.
Nicola Galeano, volunteer rescue crew
He brought his disabled parents to a safe corner and left the bungalow
to help others. He never came back.
Maria Cartolano, survivor
Running time: 33 min. Production:
Karousel films, Inspire Productions.
Executive Producers:
Giuseppe Petitto,
Casadonte. Director:
Giuseppe Petitto. Based on a story by:
Casadonte. Assistant director:
Alessandro Casadonte.
Giuseppe Petitto.
Camera assistant:
Carlo Canino.
Giuseppe Petitto. Assistant editor:
Antonella Conte. Archive footage:
Pino Iannì. Archive research:
Daniela Ughetta. Music:
SOLT / Rossella Postorino. Distribution:
Karousel films.
Magna Grecia Film Festival 2007.
David di Donatello Awards - Nominated Short film competition.
TREDICI (THIRTEEN) a film by Giuseppe Petitto
On September 10th 2000 in Soverato, a seaside town in Calabria, a huge mass of water hit a camping that hosted a group of disabled people on holiday. The tsunami-like wave caught them during their sleep, causing thirteen victims. The short film reenacts those tragic events, alternating archive footage with testimonies of survivors and people who risked their lives in the rescue operations.
Il 10 settembre 2000 a Soverato, località balneare calabrese, un’enorme massa d’acqua colpì con tremenda violenza un campeggio abitato prevalentemente da disabili. L’onda colse nel sonno gli ospiti della struttura, le vittime furono tredici. Il corto ricostruisce il tragico evento alternando immagini di repertorio alle testimonianze di chi sopravvisse, e di chi rischiò la vita durante i soccorsi.
Watch Tredici - Thirteen on Youtube (Italian version)